Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Knitting is Done

Saturday, December 30, 2006
I haven't started yet
Friday, December 29, 2006
My notes:
Pattern; Swallowtail Shawl, Interweave Knits, Fall 2006
Designer: Evelyn Clark
Yarn: Rovings Canada 80/20 wool-silk in a natural shade of brown, straight from the fleece, fingering weight
Needles: size 8 Bryspun 24" circular, size 8 Addi Turbo 40" circular
I I had it Do Over Again: I wouldn't change anything. Even the fearsome nupps in the third and fourth charts turned out to be worth the time and effort, forming little French-knot like exclamation points amidst the swirl of the lace patterns. Soft, lightweight, warm.
The shawl, originally knit for one of my assistants, is going, instead, to Cyprus as a gift for the woman who hosted my daughter during her home stay and semester abroad last year. The shawl seemed to know this and refused to pose for a picture adequate to its beauty. Perhaps I'll be able to post it looking out to the Mediterranean once it reaches the recipient?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
2 to Go!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
made my deadline

Oh and just as a reminder to those knitting on a deadline. You have to bind off some 323 stitches... I forgot that she'd keep growing, especially over the last few rows.
So Close Yet...
Edited to add - The yarn I'm using is Blue Sky Alpaca 100% alpaca sportweight. Color 308 (navy), dye lot 9470
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Losing my patience with lace!
I am about 10 stitches short and have no idea why. I can only imagine that I am accidentally dropping the yarn overs on the purl row or am actually forgetting to do the yarn overs in the first place.
Thank goodness I put a lifeline in after I finished the budding lace 2 chart! I will (when I get the courage, will power and time) rip back to the lifeline and 'add' the necessary stitches in. I'm not bothered about tweaking; I'm sure I won't even be able to spot the tweaks once it's blocked.
And then I have to face the nupps!
Remind me again why I thought lace was a good idea?
Monday, December 11, 2006
Shifting to Beta Blogger
I had shifted all my blogs to the Beta Blogger, hence there will be some fine tuning to this blog.
Currently, I'm still trying to sort out the Contributor list. Your kind patience is very much appreciated.
Meanwhile I shall have all the FOs group together.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
14 "rows" and what do i get?
i was originally going to title this post ode to a lifeline. i haven't had to use them much (yay!!) but it's so reassuring knowing that they are there for me. :)
i'm also amazed that i have actually knit all of this. this is my first lace. this is also my first really big project; i've just been knitting socks and gloves and felted bags. it's for my MIL and i have a massive deadline to finish it (not to mention work and other obligations). [and then i get to knit #2 for my mum] i'm amazed to watch it grow from

i really look forward to finishing and then blocking and watching the magic!
all details (and larger images) can be found somewhere at penguingirl.com.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Finally Finished!

The obligatory ass shot:

I'm so freakin' excited over this. I tried to get this done in time for Lacevember but I missed the deadline by 2 days. I blame Karen for that. I was lead to believe that Lacevember was actually 2 months long and thus I felt free to slack and concentrate on Christmas gift knitting. Silly me. Ah well. It's alright. So I don't win a prize but I do have a mistake free gorgeous shawl!
Here it is pre-blocking:

Forgive the busy towels under it. My white towels are for my own personal use. Not for my knitting thankyouverymuch.
For the blocking, I went to the hardware store looking for some welding wire or at least some stainless steel type of rod. Screw that. Those suckers were $7 each. So the frugal side of me opted for the under $3 solution. Bezzie would be proud.

Dowel rods. They worked perfectly fine for my purposes. As you see, this sucker grew a lot by blocking. I'd always heard of the magic of blocking lace but to see it for myself, simply amazing.
Pattern: Swallowtail Lace Shawl from Fall '06 Interweave Knits
Yarn: Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool it's a dark navy blue I don't have the color number. It took just over 2 hanks.
Needles: US 8
Started: October 12th
Finished: December 2nd.
It would have been a much faster knit but it was my first lace shawl and I didn't want to screw it up so I took my time and only worked on it on Sundays for the most part. Except for this last week. I was freaking out trying to get it done so I brought it to my knitting group wednesday night. As Tvini can attest, I had went to the pub before knitting group (The Interlacements! The yarn shop is next door to the pub! Geez, gimme a break people.) and well, in the couple hours I was at the knitting group, I didn't even get through a whole row. I tinked back the same row a total of 3 times. 3 times for the right half of the shawl, and 3 times for the left half. Apparently beer makes it really hard to count. Or something. Heh. Thank God for lifelines. And that's all I have to say about that.
Oh, and as for the nupps - I went with the slip 3 p2tog psso option. Much neater and less aggravating than trying the p5tog or the crochet hook method.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Swallowed but not Digested
Doesn't this look like the whole pattern is there? Nice, clean margins. And it made sense to this knitter, still new to lace, that a yarnover on either side of a K1,yo, K1 would equal the 5 stitches needed for the nupp.

But no. Here's the real thing. The lace teacher at my LYS (who is publishing a pattern in Knitter's Magazine this winter or spring) discerned the error for me. Not sure how she figured it out, but I'm now back to work on the Lily Border I, about to work Row 4 and the dreaded P5tog in some fashion or other.

Monday, December 04, 2006
Casted Off!
I did understand though the whole P5 fiasco. It surely does help to do those K1 Yos Loose! If I did this again I would probably do a few more nubs, but this was perfect.
This is a Christmas gift for my boyfriend's mother.
x-posted in more detail
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Swallowtail in Nuppland

Just entering Nuppland, and it's been a long time since I posted. How in the world are you guys getting this done in a week?
Anyway, here we are. Very happy still with Rovings silk and wool blend. Happy with Budding lace. Not too happy with the beginning of the Lily Chart 1, as I was halfway through Row 3 before I realized that I'd missed the K2tog at the very beginning of the row.

I'd appreciate any help out there from those of you who've finished or reached the first Lily border.
Should I be trying to make the yarnover and knits as loose as possible so that the P5tog is easier to work?
And on odd rows, how do the yarnovers on either side of the nupps factor into the stitch count on either side of the P5tog? For example, in the repeat at the beginning of row 4, will I be counting six purl stitches, then P5tog, then 3 more purls -- or -- purl five stitches, P5tog, purl 2 stitches?
The Bulls are playing the Wizards, so a few minutes to blog, then basketball and Swallowtail.
Update: Nupps are much trickier than I'd anticipated and don't mix well with watching a basketball game.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Swift Swallowtail!

She was done in just over a weeks time :) and most of the knitting was probably concentrated in to one day and a couple of evenings.
I have been trying to figure out different ways to wear triangular shawls, and I have some suggestions listed on my site - I went on that quest because I love knitting lace, but never wear it - mostly because I have no idea how to LOL
More info on the Swallowtail can be found via my Blog - if you're not interested in reading about how to wear lace, just scroll to the bottom and follow the link to my finished objects blog.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Casted on!

Hello! I'm Margaux from Hoboken, NJ! I've just casted on for the Swallowtail. How did I not do this sooner, who knows... I'm slighty obsessed with Ms. Clark and her creations. This one is flying, so I can see how one could whip this out in 7 days. But I was curious, how many pattern repeats did everyone do for the Budding Lace... I'm coming up to my 14th repeat and feel like I want to put a few more in there but don't want to over power it?
I'm using Regia Silk for my shawl. Anyone else use this yarn?
x posted here
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Happy is a lace project on blocking wires
a silly question perhaps, but you all should be in the know - just what are the various ways a triangular shawl can be worn? The only ways I can think of are:
- to drape it over both shoulders,
- wear it kinda like the model, though this does require that the shawl be scarf-sized or it gets to be a bit overwhelming
- wear it sarong-like around the hips (though I can't imagine wearing the swallowtail that way!)
Hoping for good light to get the finished swallowtail photo tomorrow!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Katie, great minds think alike! =)
I joined the KAL last week, and I am already finished with my Swallowtail.

I started it on Nov. 19th, and finished on the 26th. That's right 7 day's from start to finish.

Before I wrote this entry..I noticed Katie's post. My shawl is an exact replica of the one in IK as well. I did it on accident. I did not realize it until I was about 4 repeats in...
Just for fun, here it is before blocking..the transformation is amazing to see!

So here you go. I love it. It is my first ever finished lace project, and I am now an addict.
I want to do another one, but there are so many lace patterns out there calling to me!
Starting My Swallowtail Shawl
When I teach people to knit, they're always terribly disappointed when they go into a yarn store and find that yarn is on the expensive side: "I thought it would be cheaper to make things than to buy them". I sympathize, and try to point out that if they were to buy a well made item of clothing, from nice materials that it may well cost more (this Anthropologie cardigan is a case in point). I also try to point out that knitting is about more than this. I mean, if I desperately need something, I go out and buy it, I'm not going to sit down and knit it. For me knitting is about process. Still, occasionally, I come across a bargain, and when I do I find it hard not to get excited. When I saw Misti Alpaca Lace (the suggested yarn for the Swallowtail shawl featured in the Fall 2006 issue of Interweave Knits) in Windsor Button for a mere $7 a skein (you can find it online for similar prices), I knew I was onto something. I mean, how often is it that you buy a beautiful lace alpaca shawl for just $7?
I'm actually making a complete copy of the Swallowtail Shawl in the magazine. Not only is the yarn the same, but it's the same color, too (although the color in real life is very different from the color as printed in the magazine). I'm having a lot of fun knitting this. The first few repeats of the lace pattern were a little trying, but this is always the case for me. Now that I've got the pattern in my head and understand how it works the shawl is just zooming along.
I think I'll give this to my Dad's mother. It's been a while since I knit her something, and I think she uses the other shawls I've made for her. The Sea Mist color will look wonderful on her, too.
Cross-posted on What Katie Did.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Despite the nupps...

In fact, I might even consider doing it again, though this time I would be prepared for the nupps and how to "cheat."
There are more details about the finished shawl on my blog.
This Knitalong was a great help, not only in dealing with the nupps but also in selecting the yarn. Thanks to all of you!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Weaving in the ends...
Would some kind soul please post or email me (singularstitches AT hotmail DOT com how to do this. I didn't think there was any post that covered this, but if there is, can someone point me to it.
Thanks a bunch!! :o)
Love That Yarn!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Garter stitch "revision"
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Ok, I took your kind suggestions to use a 'heavier than lace weight' yarn for my first project and I cast on with beautiful Weavers Wool Quarters (Ruby River colorway). So, I'm knitting quite happily along and making excellent progress, if I do say so myself, when I go back and take another look at the pattern. . . more closely than I had before, I guess. You know what? This shawl is in st st, not garter stitch . . . oops! And I was following the chart so well, counting my stitches, placing my markers; what a goof! If it had just said somewhere - THIS SHAWL IS KNIT IN ST ST - I would have automatically purled the wrong side rows, excepting the edge stitches. Oh jeez.
It doesn't look bad, just different. But what to do? Continue as is until the next chart, then switch to st st? Maybe run a lifeline and try a repeat in st st and see how it looks, then decide if frogging is worth it? Any sage advice?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hooray! I cast on!

I'm so excited. I finally finished all my other knitting "responsibilities" (I think) and I cast on for the Swallowtail!
I'm knitting fingering weight yarn on US7s. I like how the open bits look, but am still deciding what I think of the stockinette portions...course, I'm uh 5 repeats in or so at this point, so I may have my mind made up for me...I really don't want to have to rip back all that lace!
I'm sort of dreading the Nupps, having never Nupped before...but it sounds like there are a couple of options for the Nupping - I'll have to see how things go, course it may be a while yet as I've still got to decide if I'm going to stop at 14 pattern repeats or push onwards for the 19...
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Just completed the bind off!!!

More details on my blog: Singular Stitches.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Yarn: Joseph Galler Prime Alpaca - ivory? natural?
Needles: Size 4 Inox 24" circulars
I had a few problems getting started with this pattern. I haven't knit much lace, and at the beginning I didn't know what it should look like. So, when I screwed something up, I would end up ripping back two or three rows... Once I got a rhythm though, it was smooth sailing, and a pretty quick knit.
I wasn't sure how this pattern would end up looking with a sport-weight yarn, but I love it. I like that it's not so big, and that the stitches are close... Altogether a successful project!
Monday, November 13, 2006

Delayed Start
I saw a friend's swallowtail and then decided I *had* to knit one for myself...
unfortunately (of course) I don't think I have appropriate yarn for it in my stash (tho now that I think about it...I just might have a good yarn for this project though it may drive me nuts since it has no stretch or bounce to it (bamboo)) - I have been toying with handspinning yarn for this project even though i know it will still wind up a tiny bit thick and thin - oy, the dilemmas...
In the meantime, I can't start on the project because of holiday knitting *wail*
I look forward to seeing everyone elses swallowtails growing though!
Is anyone using straight needles? I see everyones pics with circs.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Swallowtail Shawl is my first ever lace shawl, and to be honest I'm surprised I've got this far without any major mistakes:

I'm using Jaggerspun Zephyr in Teal, which is a pleasure to work with. So far I'm on the 9th repeat of the Budding Lace 2 chart.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Just say NO to nupps...

Thanks to all of you who offered alternative solutions. But I'd still like to know how anyone can do it the right way.
Can you describe how you do this stitch?
I just started my first swallowtail using Knitpicks Alpaca Cloud in lilac using #4 needles. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this stitch:
Sk2p, sl 1 knitwise, k2tog, psso
I get that you are supposed to decrease 2 stitches but I'm not sure about the first action: Sk2p.
Thanks for your help!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Swallowtail #2 - increased size

Needles: Denise Interchangeable, US size 6
Finished size after blocking: 39" depth, 79" width
I have more pictures on my blog
Sunday, November 05, 2006
2 down, ? to go

Yarn: JaggerSpun Zephyr in Ebony
Needles: 4 US Clover Bamboo Circular
Blocked to 49" width, 22" depth
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I finished my Swallowtail and I love it! Too bad it isn't for me (it's a Christmas gift).

I have really enjoyed reading all of your comments; and the advice has been especially helpful. I can't wait to see more of your shawls! This was a fun knit, mine didn't come out perfectly; but, it came out pretty well for my first lace project. There is more verbage about my experience knitting this shawl on my blog.
I will probably knit this shawl again at some point, I had a lot of fun knitting it, including the nupps!
Flickr Group
Started this, so that we can have a collective of all the Swallowtails.
FOs and WIPs both welcome!
Zephyr for Swallowtail?
Monday, October 30, 2006
Newbie needs help, please
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Second Swallowtail - Fire
Presenting.. My 2nd Swallowtail Shawl, hot off the blocking wires.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Working on my 2nd Swallowtail


A quick post to show the join on the Bryspun needle. The more that I'm using it with this slippery yarn, the better that I like it.
I'm amazed at how fast this shawl knits up. After the marathon of Icarus, it's great to see a repeat done in only six rows. Though, for some reason, I seem to daydream when I hit row three and make a mistake almost every time somewhere in the row.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Ready to 'Go for the Nupps'
1. Purl with the regular needle until it's time to do the P5TOG
2. Pull the right (needle with the just made stitches) so that the stitches aren't near the point (so they don't fall off)
3. Using a small DPN (I used a US#1.5 INOX DPN - nice and pointy), insert it into the five stitches and purl
4. transfer the newly purled stitch onto the right needle
5. Continue stitching as usual
I can take some pictures and post if anyone is interested or needs the visual.
I just finished the Budding Lace 2 section and feel like I'm standing at the top of the highdive, butterflies fluttering all over the place... Thank you to Marsha for posting the Nupp Alternative!! I think I'll just dive right in and see how it goes.
I had already started this shawl when I found this KAL, but it's been great seeing all the finished shawls and particularly the wonderful 'purls' of information!
This is going to be a Christmas gift for my sister. I've had just a wonderful time knitting it (it's my first lace shawl) that I might make one for me, too!

I'm using Knitpicks Alpaca Cloud in Iris on Addi Naturas US#4, and I'm really disappointed with the join of the needle to the cable. I typically use turbos, but at the join, there's a definite little...notch is the only word I can think of...that the stitches keep getting caught in. I just bought these yesterday (I fought with the Budding Lace sections on metal circs which were too slippery), and I think I'm going to return them.

Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a better wooden circ to use that has a better join?
Just getting started

Here's the beginning of my shawl. One chart in to Chart 2. It's been a while since I've knitted lace and I've already made a few mistakes. I'd forgotten that it always takes me a few tries before I get the pattern and repetitions into my brain.
The yarn is a silk wool from Rovings. The needles are Bryspun size 8's. I've never used them before, but the teacher in the knitting store recommended them as a good combination of the slippery cord from the metal circulars and a not-so-slippery needle point from the bamboo circulars. I'm liking them, so far. The needles are just resistant enough to keep the silk from sliding all over the place. And the cord doesn't kink up the way my bamboo circulars kept doing.
Thanks for the help with choosing a needle size. The teacher suggested size 10 or 11; she likes a very open lace. So I met in the middle between her recommendation and the advice I got from other bloggers and went with an 8.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
blocking beauty

It is blocking now! I'm very pleased with the results. I'm already planning the next and like many here want to make it in a larger size. It's blocking smaller than I expected. I usually have to decrease needle size 1 or 2 size down to get gauge but apparently not in this case. This is a gift for my mother who is petite, so it's perfect. In natural light, the yarn appears much more green and reflects the blue that you see in these images.
Yarn: KnitPicks Alpaca Colud in Tide Pool
Needles: #3
Depth: 25.5 inches
Width: 52 inches
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Adaptations ?
You can see my first attempt here.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Open Invitations : Pending Status
Swallowtail Finished
Thursday, October 05, 2006
three lilies

My swallowtail shawl is done. I am very pleased with my results. Hope you like it too.
I did three repeats of the lily charts and used 2 plus skeins of kp Gloss, one of their new yarns, on size 6[US] needles. More details on my blog.